Thursday, January 06, 2011

Who needs Resolutions?

This is not a message telling you how to make 2011 better. It is a message to help you make every moment (or at least most of them) great.

Flipping the calendar fills us with joy and hope. There is something magical about writing a new number at the tail end of the year. January 1 is not only the basis of our resolutions. It is the start of a brand new possibility of positive change.

The trouble with New Year’s resolutions is we often try to change who we are to fit a mold we think is better for us. We look forlornly in the mirror at our expanding waistlines and at our statements at our receding bank accounts. We think what we are doing is somehow wrong and that it would best to make a quantum leap towards a better future. The challenge is most radical changes are not sustainable. Incremental change, however, can lead to lasting improvement and well-being.

Whatever your goals are, it is possible to set and attain them at any time of the year but I'm Hoping we can do ours Together Now.

Whether you have fitness, financial or family-related goals, you can live the life you deserve every day of every year. Think about your New Year’s resolutions as a chance to show the world who you truly are. It requires a bit of courage to denounce the common resolutions most people make, but my guess is, if you are reading this, you already have what it takes.(*No, I KNOW my Friends have what it takes & Courage to spare!)
                                                                                                             *Be sure to go to the Next Page

First assignment is go Get a new calendar. As silly as this may sound, holding a fresh, unmarked calendar is a powerful, hope-filled experience. Flip through each month and envision how you would like to spend your time. Make a few notes in the margins or on the days themselves. Find inspirational quotes that motivate you towards your main goal. Add them to the page.

Be realistic. The fastest way to discourage yourself is to set unattainable goals such as losing 30 lbs in one Month lol. Recognize your limits. Be kind to yourself. New Year’s resolutions are about empowering yourself to live your best life, not a tortured one.

Tread slowly. We often get impatient(ME) when we ‘miss’ our self-induced deadlines. Celebrate the small wins and embrace the setbacks as something you have learned. Take baby steps to sustain your energy and your progress. One step forward is better than a giant leap, then a tumble to worse off than where you started right. Sometimes we achieve our goals in the most unexpected ways. Allow for surprises and trust that your life is unfolding just as it should. (That Inner voice PEEPS)

Get support .(Thats where I will always come in) Gather your tribe of like-minded people (Mine is the "ZOO CREW") to help you achieve your goals. Whether it is a weight loss group, an exercise buddy, a partner who lifts you up when the going gets tough, or that "FRIEND/ Taradise" who can always Make you lol no matter how bad the problems are- we all need human connection to help us on our way. No man, or woman, is an island (Although some of you Damn sure try lol). Sharing your goals with others also gives you a higher level of culpability than if you keep it to yourself. If you struggle with procrastination ,(I wont call out anybody besides me on this one....*DENYCE. hehe) ask others to help keep you in check. Do the same for them.

The New Year is a time for hope and renewal. It is a period of transition to our higher selves. We can reside in that place of heightened awareness more often than we think we can I have discovered by tapping into our inner voice and ACTUALLY listening to what it says. What do you truly want 2011 to be? Take a moment to reflect. It can be yours for the taking.**

p.s....To my Good Friends- You know I'm ALWAYS here for you guys if You need me 4 Anything & Anytime. This year I suspect will bring More hard times for alot of us but I Know if we All stick together.... NOTHING & NO one can Knock us down!! I'm attaching my lil one's First made video & he has the right Dream already & we should share it for 2011. Don't forget to Comment & Let me know what YOUR Goals or hopes for this year are so I can be that lil Whisper in your ear that tells you ..." YOU CAN & WILL DO IT" if I have to Drag ya across the Finish line Myself. I love you guys & wish you all Happiness in 2011.. Muahs!!

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